Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Scoring high sux...

Yes, there's not typo here, it says scoring high marks in exams sux... Why? Today, I've been reminded how I dread scoring highest in any subject, or in this case, any paper.

When I was form 1, I grew lazy and eventually ended up in a not-so-good class in Form 2. Then I swore I would get my marks back up and started working extra hard in Form 2. At the end of the day it was all worth it as I was 'upgraded' to a better class in Form 3... or so I thought.

It started when I was Form 3 in SMDU. Most of the students in my class were relatively smart, so some of them tend to be a little kiasu. They would literally hunt for the person who scored higher than themselves. If one were to score higher in a subject which he/she usually dominated, he/she would curse you for life. Even if he/she scored better the next term. Being me, I tend to copy the traits of people around me. So I got a little kiasu as well. Not in the sense that I'll hunt for the higher scorer, but I'll go around asking for their marks.

Here comes the sad part, whenever I got marks which was above top 3 in class, I would get discriminated. No one would even ask me questions regarding the exam. On top of that, they would remember my marks (even better than me) and use it as an excuse not to talk to me.
Example: "Aiyah I know you get 88% la now get lost!!"

Today, just like deja vu, I scored relatively high marks highest for Maths paper 2 in my class. Whenever I asked anyone for their marks, the response was "aiyah lower than you la" or "I know you get highest la" then I was completely ignored. The fact is, I like to gain more knowledge, so I don't really consider studying a bad thing at all. Only when this sort of thing happens, it discourages me to study harder.

As of today, STPM is only 40days away and yet I'm feeling this way. Right now, I'm thinking I should aim for a B or B+ instead of an A. Maybe that way, I'll lose less friends.