When I first saw you, I thought your heart belonged to someone else.
So I treated you with neutral feelings.
We met as though by fate, when I was visiting someone else.
Although our meeting was brief, but I felt as though I had fallen for you.
Not realizing that until I had returned home.
How I wish we could have the chance to love each other.
But there were obstacles, obligations, and also, my studies.
If only... If only... Oh, how many times in a day we say "if only"?
I want to care for you, to be there for you, and to love you.
But things like these take guts, responsibility and much effort.
It's not like I won't, but more like I cannot.
Reasons why :
1) I've just received my offer to study in Australia in Feb 2009.
If I commit to you now, then it won't really last very long.
2) I'm currently working so I don't know if I could devote enough time for you.
My working hours are crazy, a full day could start at 10am and end at 10pm.
3) My bank account is small and shrinking and until I get my salary, I'm broke.
I didn't really save, so my bank account is like, 3-digits, soon to be 2-digits.
4) My family aren't really fond of you, so you are my responsibility and mine alone.
This is a BIG responsibility. If I fail, I will not only fail you, but myself as well. I just ask my father and he said:"You're going to Australia soon, it won't be fair for you to do so."
We give ourselves reasons to do something, but even more reasons not to do something.
I'm sorry, but
If you love it, let it go...
Right? I hope so...
Goodbye My Love (再見我的愛人) - Teresa Teng
I bet you were looking for a female homosapien...
But nope, it's a cat! =D
Enjoy! =D
Friday, November 14, 2008
Love at first sight
Time was stopped by
the Chronosapien
at11:10 PM0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Exam Afterlife
Okay, so my exam ended about 1 week ago, and I'm only updating now. Oops =p
First and foremost, eventhough it was during the exam period, I still attended the Nuffnang Silent Halloween Party!! Needed to de-stress. =p
At first, I wasn't aware of this party until one day, Tysern said
tysern: eh u there
Sonic : yea?
tysern: eh u cepat cepat
Sonic : ?
tysern: go join the nuffnang halloween party thing lar
tysern: they giving out invites
Sonic : oh? where?
tysern: http://www.nuffnang.com.my/silent-halloween/
tysern: here
tysern: got quite alot of free stuff to be given away lar
Sonic : OMG 1st november!!!
tysern: why
Sonic : it's right in the middle of my exams
tysern: haha u can go or not
tysern: u see like this lar
tysern: u just secure the 2 resevations first lar
tysern: then if u can go better lar during that time
Sonic : 2?
tysern: if you cannot, the 2 reservations you can pass it to us la
tysern: cuz i think we will use lar
tysern: cuz we're calling ken chong and king wei ATS they all
tysern: u think u can go or not?
Sonic : err
Sonic : not really sure
Sonic : my exams are like 30th, 3rd, 4th, 5th
So on that very day itself, Nov 1st, tysern called to see if I was going, but at that point, I wasn't sure myself. But I thought, "what a waste if I didn't go..." So what the heck, "sure! I'm in!" =D
tysern: btw have u been to a nuffnang party b4
Sonic : nope
tysern: fyi
tysern: freebies
tysern: everything covered
tysern: goodie bags
tysern: even they're giving out 10 handphones on that day
tysern: and one nokia n96
tysern: so high chance to win HP lar, if banyak fren go
And indeed, one of us did win a Nokia handphone. That person is...
CHEE SENG's little brother, Chee Hong!!
This girl ahhh.... SUPER MAH-FAN!! I had to fetch her then meet at Tysern's house coz she stayed nearer to me compared to Tysern.
BUT!! She shifted to another area, and I had to find my way based on her directions... I ended up in the condo NEXT TO her condo!! Then had to make another turn into her condo to pick her up.
All of us met at Tysern's house. Although we were super-late!! We still had time to take a group photo. =p
Tysern leading me as I was leading the cars behind me.
Hi Patrick!
Tysern, ATS, Shon and David couldn't help but notice a face behind his head. =p
Hey Pik Yuen!! It's not a David Beckham mask ok?! I admit that it looks retarded though =p
I was sticking my tongue out but it's hardly noticeable =p
Syok sendiri aje!!
What's the difference? Well... I don't see any difference! xD
Me and my retarded mask!!
Took the damn mask off and punched Pik in the face! Hah! Too bad Tik Tsin couldn't dodge her knuckle sandwich =p
After the party, they camwhored in my car, without me in the picture =(
After my last paper last Wednesday, I went to 1 Utama with my friends and we were supposed to eat at Shogun, the Japanese Buffet Restaurant. But the prices there will make your wallet disappear, or even more!! Especially at night! =p
So we ate at Fish n Co. The food there is quite nice, especially their fish n chips, it was cheap and delicious! Something I find very uncommon in 1 Utama.
Zhu-En's girlfriend wanted to watch High School Musical 3 (HSM3), and so did I, but he was wasn't into these stuff. Even when both of us got him to the cinema, the queue was too long to get the tickets on time. In fact, the movie had already started 5 minutes ago! Yes, I know that there is at least 10minutes of advertisement, but the queue was simply too long. =(
On Friday, I found a job as a tele-interviewer and went for their open day near KLCC. After that, I messaged Zhu-En to see if he wanted to go to MidValley with me to buy shoes. His girlfriend wanted to get a pair of shoes also. At first, he said that he'll meet me there. But 5minutes later, he said that he couldn't come!! OMG I felt like I was being conned. =(
Only when I met him that night, that I found out he was sleeping the whole afternoon and his girlfriend was the one that replied his message. She tried to wake him up, but he was like Sleeping Beauty, who won't wake up no matter what you did to him. xD
Oh well, I will just have to shop alone then. I went to shop for a new pair of shoes since I threw away 2 pairs previously. My budget was around RM100. But I ended up with a Reebok shoes that cost RM180!! OMG! Why?! Well one was because it didn't have any shoelaces, two was because I believed in value for money and hoped that it could last twice as long as the shoes that I bought for half that price. =)
The worse part was, when I tried the shoe at the shop, it feels okay, but when I went home, it felt too tight!! So I decided that on Monday, after my job training, I would go to MidValley to change the size. But the schedule was so tight that I didn't have enough time. The same goes for Tuesday and Wednesday. So I'll be going early today to change the shoes before the 7-day grace period ends. =p
OMG it's already 1.30pm!! I have to get ready to go now... =p
Enjoy! =D
Time was stopped by
the Chronosapien
at12:07 PM0 comments