For me to only have 5 songs on a deserted island, I would have to listen to the same songs over and over and not get bored. Either that, or it gives me motivation everytime I hear it. =)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Day 03 - 5 Songs to have in a deserted island
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Day 02- Inspiration
I can be inspired by practically anything I see in daily life. Be it the people on the street, the pigeons flying about or even buildings. It's probably how I would see and relate things differently from most people. Try playing Taboo with me and you'll know what I mean. =)
Back to the topic, I find that people inspires me the most... Especially people, whom despite their disability, performs better in life compared to most people without disabilities...
1) My deceased cousin
My cousin was borned with a disease that degenerates his muscles. At birth, even doctors gave him a maximum lifespan of only 30yrs old. I actually wrote a post about him after his funeral, so I'll just post the link here.
2) The people in this video
Two dancers, he without arm, she without leg.
3) Ordinary people doing extraordinary deeds. Nuff' said.
Most of all, I'm always inspired by the people around me. My family, friends, relatives. Sometimes I have to look past the appearances to really appreciate what they're doing. And sad to say, I only learnt how to do that in recent years. At least, now that I can 'see' it, I can learn to appreciate it even more, especially when it goes unspoken. =)
Cheers to 30-Day Blogging Challenge. =)
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Day 01- Guilty Pleasure
Hmm... Guilty pleasure? I guess for me it would be gluttony. I used to just eat whenever I don't have anything else to do at home, which explains why junk food will never last a week in my house. =p
I used to eat till the brim at buffets until I literally cannot walk. And when I can, I would go grab more food, lol. And the cycle repeats until it is time to leave. =p
But officially, I guess KFC would be my guilty pleasure. Everytime I have their chicken, I would first peel off the crispy skin, revealing all the oil beneath it that starts to drip onto the plate. Even seeing and knowing all the unhealthy effects it would bring to my body, I can still chuck it into my mouth and savour every bite! =p
But their chicken is only second best, the best thing they have to offer is still their CHEESY WEDGES!! Even after they started charging RM1 for extra cheese, I'd still go for it coz it's definitely worth it!! You know how unevenly spread the cheese is on the wedges when it is served? I would make sure that each one is well coated with cheese before eating it. And even after, I would finish every last bit of cheese left in the box. =p
Guilty I felt, but the pleasure was overwhelming!! =D
Cheers to 30-day Blogging Challenge. =)
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Monday, July 18, 2011
A reason to blog: The 30-Day Blogging Challenge
Recently, I've been having all these random thoughts and didn't really know where to put them. I thought of putting it on my blog, but then again, they're just random thoughts...
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Ex that I never knew
This brings me back to my form 6 days at S.M.K. Sultan Abdul Samad, PJ.
I had taken part in a few clubs and each club was to send a representative to this 3-day-2-night camp called "Kem Integrasi" held and sponsored by the school. Being a scout, I loved camps and missed it dearly since I finished my SPM. But all the clubs that I was part of had already chosen their 'scape-goat' and at the same time, I was afraid to express my interest to join. Maybe it was peer pressure since everyone didn't want to go, I didn't wanna be the odd one out.
However, there was one club, whose members only counted a handful, who hadn't chosen anyone. Desperately trying to get it without drawing attention, I kinda 'lured' them into choosing me as their scape-goat. Mission accomplished! =D
I was thrilled to be able to join camps once again. I happily brought all my old scouting equipment 'back to life' not to mention my camping spirit! =D
As the camp began, we were split into groups. In my group, I was one of the 2 upper sixes in the group which meant that we, as the eldest, should lead the group. But the other person was a small, petite girl who has absolutely no clue. On top of that, I was also one of the only 2 guys in the group! The more reason I should be the group leader, right?
Nope, not for me at least.
I gently pushed all responsibilities to the other guy to be the leader. Why you ask? I had low self-esteem and wasn't confident in my own leadership, if I had any that is. I was also afraid to bear responsibilities because in previous camps, I tend to screw up stuff, big and small.
The guy seems to be okay with his position and I can tell that he tries really hard to make up for his inexperience. He's better than me in the sense that he actually tries. So I guess my decision wasn't all that bad. =)
Although I broke free from being the leader, it didn't mean that I just sat there and watch him die. With the most experience in camping, I would feel bad if I didn't give him some advice when he needed it the most. In a way, I was leading the group through his hands.
As of most camps, they'll have teambuilding activities as well as bonding sessions. And through all of those, 1 of the girls fell for me. As in, had a crush, oh you get it, right?
I only realised it after the camp when she started sms-ing me on random occasions, and really often too. At that point of time, I didn't quite had the feelings she would like me to have, and even if I did, I wouldn't have had the guts to start a relationship. I was full of doubts. "Should I start this?" "Would I be a good boyfriend?" "Would I be able to develop feelings for her over time?"
All sorts of questions came into my mind. But yet, there was still no definite answer. Logically, at my current state, I should take whatever I can get. But my conscience told me that if I accept her and end up hurting her, then I shouldn't start this at all. But the other side also told me that I will not get another chance like this anytime soon, so if I give up without trying, I would've failed before it even began.
So I chose to let it be. To maintain the status quo. But if she were to ask me out, I guess I would be up for it? No, it didn't happen, that's why I'm still guessing.
Soon, the smses started to die off, just as fast as it began. And so did my chance of loving someone with all my heart.
And now, I kinda regret that I didn't try. To be loved is a blessing, and to love back is the choice of accepting that blessing. I regretted not to had made the right choice. But if I don't fall down, I wouldn't know where to pick myself up, now would I?
What's done is done and there's no point crying over spilt milk. All I can do now is to appreciate the people who love me and to love 'em back. And if I ever get a second chance, I promise that I'll do everything that I can to make it work. Nema (=
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