Thursday, March 12, 2009

Expresso: The wake-up pill...

Short talk: Horse bites off mans testicle (ROFL)

It's only Week 2 of my semester and I'm already falling asleep during lectures.

It's really NOT because the lecturer is boring, NOT because the topic is dry, and NOT because I'm not interested...

In fact, I kinda like the subjects that I'm taking...

It's just... I can't seem to keep my eyes open nor my brain awake to listen to the lecture!! It started since Form 6 when I was losing concentration during class. Then I started to fall asleep in PA and maths class. I even slept whenever the teacher wasn't around. Not because I was sleepy or tired, but because I enjoyed the comfy-ness of sleeping... Lol...

Then when I arrived in uni, this bad habit got the best of me when I was sleeping in most of the maths lecture and scored badly in the exams.

Now, even when I'm in Australia, with new environment and all, I STILL fall asleep during lectures!! And to tell the truth, it is not at my will to stay awake or not!! My eyes will automatically shut itself and my brain will go to 'Sleep Mode'. Only after 10seconds when I realised that I'm asleep, then I wake up for a brief moment. This process repeats at least 10 times for a 1-hour lecture.

I figured that I need something to keep me awake. So I tried listening to music in one ear, and listening to the lecturer using the other. Initially, it kinda worked because I wasn't feeling the least drowsy eventhough the lecturer was talking monotonously. BUT, it only worked once. When I tried this method the 2nd and 3rd time, I fell asleep anyway.

So my other option was coffee. One jolly day, I arrived early at campus so I went to the campus center to grab some coffee. The names of the coffee here are somewhat 'special' and you won't understand them unless you try them all. e.g. Long Black, Short Black, Flat White, Expresso, etc.

I was looking for the cheapest option so I took the Expresso. When they served it, I was like "Is this a joke?" The cup was even smaller than the shot glasses and the coffee in it was even less. At that time, I didn't give a damn as long as it could keep me awake so I drank the whole cup. It was actually very, very, VERY thick coffee where the amount of caffeine in this small cup was equivalent to the normal cups.

I went to my lecture feeling TOTALLY AWAKE!! Omg it was a miracle!! I was kept awake the whole day (4 hours worth of lectures) by a small up of Expresso!! =D

I swore I was gonna drink that everyday before lectures. Since it was cheaper to make my own coffee, I wanted to buy the Nescafe Expresso I saw in the supermarket. But a closer look revealed that the coffee inside the jar was not fully powdered and had large grains. I had no idea how to make an expresso and according to a friend, that type of coffee was meant to be made using a coffee machine. =p

Luckily I was smart enough to think before I buy, which is very important here in Australia since almost everything here is more expensive.

Since I don't have any coffee, I continued buying Expresso's from the Campus Centre almost before every lecture (or in between breaks). I tried buying a long black, which is basically a regular cup of coffee without sugar or milk, but that wasn't enough to keep me awake for 2 hours consecutive lectures. To be frank, it only lasted about 1 hour.

So expresso is kinda like my wake-up pill for now until I buy my own 3in1 coffee and hopefully that will be enough to keep me awake.

Sidenote: It was a friend's birthday on Tuesday so I bought beer and we drank it at the courtyard. At the same time, the whole bunch of us were listening to his ghost stories and the girls were scared half to death! =p

Me posing with the beer... Technically it was alcoholic cider, which my friends refered to as "Apple juice with gas". But it was still a 5% alcohol drink so I did get a little dizzy.

Enjoy!! =D