Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My job rawks =)

Short Talk: I'm blogging at work =p

Let's start from the beginning...

I was looking for engineering internships because Monash requires their engineering graduates to have at least 12weeks practice. So I searched Jobstreet and found a few internships with some well-established companies like DiGi or Mercedes-Benz.

I applied for 4-5 internships but never got any reply except for 1 which was rejected. So I waited and waited, and before I knew it, Christmas was over.

My patience ran out and I was wasting too much time. So I started applying for normal jobs again using Jobstreet. I even applied for some telemarketing job which I swore never to do again. That was how desperate I was...

A few days after I applied, I got a call from a telemarketing company requesting for an interview. I remember that the pay was quite good and they were marketing IT products, which was just my cup of tea. So I promised to attend the interview 2days later.

On the next day, I received another call and the caller says that he is "Eu Jin" from Carlist. At first, I thought that my friend Eu Jin was trying to prank me coz their voices were similar.

Then I realised that it was an actual internship that I applied for 3weeks ago. He liked my resume so much, that he skipped the interview and asked me to start work the following week. I immediately canceled my interview for the telemarketing job and luckily for me, he called in just in time.

I was quite happy that I got the job coz I could earn money, learn stuff and complete my coursework at the same time.

On the weekend before I started work, I tried looking for their office at Damansara Perdana but somehow I was lead to the condominium upstairs. I was too confused to look anymore so I went home.

When I finally started work, one of the staff took me to the office for the first time. I was a little shocked to find that the office was actually a condo unit. On top of that, almost everyone in the office are just about my age!! I felt a little 'culture shock' like how I first arrived in Australia, but this was more 'shocking'. =p

After working for a week, I realised that this job had nothing to do with my course. But at the same time, I found that I enjoyed the work coz it wasn't as stress as any of my previous jobs and the pay was good for an intern. The people are also very nice and friendly, and since we work in a condo, we have weekly badminton matches!

I would refer to my colleagues as friends rather than co-workers because they are much more of a friend whom I can talk to than co-workers whom I only work with. Even my boss is quite young and friendly. He even wanted to treat us to a movie but it was canceled due to unforeseen reasons.

Even as an intern, I have my own name card!!
How cool is that? =p

Oops, I've been going on and on about how nice my job is, that I forgot to tell you what we actually do! LOL... is basically a website that advertises for used cars in Malaysia. And the best thing, is that it's COMPLETELY FREE!! =D

So, most people would ask what is the source of our income? That's easy. We earn from the advertising space rented out to companies who put their ads on .

As an intern, we have 3 main 'roles' as I would call it.

1) Used Car Dealers (UCD)
This means that we drive out in teams of 2 to find used car dealers to get their cars advertised on our website. The 2 of us would photograph of the cars as well as get the relevant information such as Year, Price, Make, Model, etc.

2) Individual Car Sellers (ICS)
The answer is no, we don't go around asking random people if they wanna sell their old car. One would search for car sellers at (or other websites) and call them to ask if we could advertise their car(s) on our website.

3) Data Entry
To me, this role is the easiest because there is no sun-bathing or outbound calling involved. One would only have to organised the photos taken the day before and input the data into the server.

Today, I did data entry and I finished my work early. Which explains why I could post this entry. =)

So, since I'm enjoying my job so much, how long and I staying?

Unfortunately, I'm only working for as long as my holidays last. Which is the last week of February since I'll be starting uni again in the first week of March.

Well, good things never last forever...

Hopefully I will be able to find an engineering internship which is as fun as this one during the my next summer holidays.

Gotta get back to 'work' now, over and out. =)