Friday, April 10, 2009

Bolster deprivation

Short Talk: Mount Dandenong has the best steak pies ever!! Another craving into my list... =p

Ah, just one of the many things that Malaysians complain about when they start to get used to life here in Australia.

One thing about the Australians is that they don't usually sleep with bolsters!

Almost every Malaysian friend I have here in Australia has been deprived of a bolster and some even got desperate and bought an extra pillow!

So... The story goes...

My friend, lets call him John, was trying to buy a bolster from a local shopping mall.

He searched almost every major supermarket and finally gave up. So he asked one of the sales assistants (SA) for some answers.

John : Excuse me, but where can I buy a bolster?

SA : 'Bolster'? What's a 'bolster'?

John : Erm... It's something you hug with you when you sleep at night.

SA : Oh I see... Do you mean girls?

I laughed like nobody's business after hearing that from my friend!!! ROFL!!

And he was a little pissed because it was a long day looking for a bolster so he went like -_________-""

But later on, we found out that Australians calls it a 'body pillow'. But it was so expensive compared to a pillow so I just bought an extra pillow! Hehe...

Btw that's the extra pillow I bought. =p

I even changed the bedsheet and finally took out my quilt altogether!!


Now my bed is so comfortable that every morning I'll snooze my alarm for 1 hour before waking up. =p

Enjoy!! =D