Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Boss Stewie, I love your art!

Short-Talk: I screwed my test today and by now the lecturer should be wondering why there is a hole in my paper... ROFL!

I was doing the usual blog-hopping among my friends' blog but I started to feel a little bored so I clicked on a few blogs in the 'Famous Bloggers' list in one of their blogs.

I was reading about KennySia's trip to Wales, his email from Perth, Malaysian Dream Girl... Omg the conversations so farnee!! =p

Then I went on to cheeserland, her fashion tips was... interesting... *blek*
But besides that I got to know a little about Fremantle, which is located in Australia. Might visit one day. =)

Next, was *fourfeetnine*. I believe she was 4ft9in tall when she started blogging. =p
I didn't exactly have a greatest idea when it comes to naming my blog too. xP

For her blog, the interesting part, to me, is not her looks, nor her life's stories, but it's actually the way she tells it that makes it so interesting... =)

FYI: Her boyfriend is Timothy Tiah, Nuffnang's Co-founder.

So... eventually, I ended up reading at Timothy Tiah too. His latest post, was about his secondary school report card, but there was a link to this:
Boss Stewie's Scout Log Book.

Since I was a scout too, I thought it'd be interesting to know how scouting in Penang was like. I was reading... viewing photos of his drawings...

I started giggling a lil when I saw his impression on Penang Island.

Then I saw a familiar face... Mongli and Baloo from Jungle Book!! And so I thought: 'This is gonna get interesting...'

Starting from the Jaguar that looked like a black dog;
The elephant that looks like a grey dough with 3 legs;
The snake that looks like a worn-out whip;
The monkey which I could only make out the tail;

I was already LOL-ing the whole way through these photos but it wasn't even the climax yet!

*Jeng jeng jeng JENG!!*

The tiger!! OMFG I couldn't even make out its legs, head, ears or whatever he drew!! This drawing was practically KILLING ME!!

I laughed SO HARD, SO LOUD, and for SO LONG that my neighbour might think I was going crazy!! XD

I only started blogging about it after I settled down but it still tickles my funny bone everytime I think about it! Hahahaha...

Only one message to Timothy Tiah:
You have potential for a different kind of abstract art, so

I'm still ROFL-ing wtf... XD