Monday, February 23, 2009

PJ Brekky!!

PJ = Pajamas
Brekky = Breakfast

People here is Australia just love to put a "y" or "ie" behind most words.

Brekky, footie, Aussie, shorty, Macky (McD), etc.
(can't think of anymore =p)

On the blackboard, it was written that PJ brekky was 9am.

I'd reckon that everyone would wake up at 8am, bath, wash up, and would no longer be in their PJ's.

So the RA's kinda figured that out too.

They started banging their pots and pans against our room doors before the sun was even out!! (Sunrise is around 6.30am)

At first I was like... "brekky already?"

Then I looked my my alarm clock and it was 5am!!

"What kind of sick joke is this??" I thought...

I tried to cover my head with the pillow but it was just too noisy!!

"Which son of a b****!? @#$%^&*" I thought as I opened the door.

I was still really blur at that time so I just followed them to the common room.

Even after the RA announced our destination and to bring our wallets, I was dreaming away on the couch.

In the end, we walked like 20+ minutes to McD in our PJ's and it did really turn out to be a PJ Brekky... Not in a way I had imagined though...

Imagine you, in your sleeping attire, walking 20minutes continuously when it was 20degrees outside with strong winds blowing in your face!! xD

Alas, the moment you've been waiting for: Photos!!

I was so blur that I didn't bring anything but my room keys so I had to borrow Jia Chen's cameraphone. =p

Me and Fiona (in the background)

From left: Me, Adrian (sleep-walking), Fiona, Eve

I brought my coffee along as we walked back to keep warm... =)

Reached my room at around 7am+ so I bathed and did my laundry.

Later on I went for the information session for the free lunch. =p
(Typical Malaysians lar... xP)

During lunch, a fellow Malaysian told me where I could get cheap computer stuff and at the same time, I was looking for an M2 memory card for my handphone.

Since the shop was outside the campus, I cycled to the bus loop, parked the bicycle there and walked. It took around 20+minutes even when I speed-walked!! X_X

In the end, I was late for the chicken and salad dinner for my hall, so I pretended to be a Howitt and ate their chicken instead!! xD

They had lots of chicken leftover anyways. =p

Here's my memory card!! $48 for 4GB...


Quite a good deal I must say...

At the Three shop, they were selling $47+ for just 2GB...
('Three' is one of Australia's mobile service providers)

That's all for now... Enjoy! =D